What rights do pedestrians have on South Carolina roadways?

people walking across an urban crosswalk.

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There are many restrictions on pedestrians in South Carolina with regard to our roadways. There are also many restrictions on motorists on South Carolina roadways. Motorists have a duty to operate vehicles with due care in South Carolina. With many South Carolinians walking on the roadways and using the outdoors as a means of exercise, it is important to remember that motorists have a duty to pedestrians. S.C. Code Section § 56-5-3230 provides in part that “every driver of a vehicle shall exercise due care to avoid colliding with any pedestrian or any person propelling a human powered vehicle and shall give an audible signal when necessary and shall exercise proper precaution upon observing any child or any obviously confused, incapacitated or intoxicated person.” 

During the upcoming Fourth of July weekend, we encourage all motorists to be careful and comply with this code section. We also alert all pedestrians to your rights with regard to the roadways in South Carolina. 

It is also important to remember that SC Code Section § 56-5-3160  provides in relevant part that where neither a sidewalk nor shoulder is available, any pedestrian walking along or beside a highway shall walk as near as practical to an outside edge of the roadway and, if on a two-way roadway, shall walk only on the left side of the roadway. Please be alert to this code section if you are out exercising this Fourth of July weekend.

Also, be advised that the firm of Harrison|White, P.C. handles many cases involving injured pedestrians on the roadway. If you feel like you have been injured on the roadway in violation of one of the above code sections or if you have a question about your rights in this regard, please contact Harrison|White, P.C. and/or Tom Killoren.

Blog post by partner Tom Killoren. Click here to learn more about Tom. 

Attorney Tom Killoren

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