The 2022 South Carolina Deer Season is Almost Over

a person standing in tall grass, wearing a plaid shirt with a rifle slung over their shoulder. They're using binoculars, and the background shows a line of trees under a partly cloudy sky. The text overlay reads: "FISH AND GAME LAWS South Carolina's 2022 Deer Hunting Guide.

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The 2022 deer hunting season is almost over. If you are thinking about hunting this holiday season, here is your guide to understand the South Carolina hunting rules for the rest of the year! Primitive weapon season begins on October 1st and gun hunts can begin on October 11th – January 1st.

Rules and regulations vary depending on which game zone you intend to hunt so it is important to check your zone to ensure compliance with the rules in that zone. Game Zone two encompasses Spartanburg, Greenville, Cherokee, Union, and most of the Upstate of South Carolina.

south carolina map

Map found here

Deer Rules and Regulations: 

SC DNR States that “All deer must be tagged with a valid deer tag as prescribed by the department before the animal is moved from the point of kill. Tag must remain attached until the deer/carcass is quartered or received by a processor. 

Legal hunting time for deer is the time between one hour before official sunrise until one hour after official sunset (50-11-710).

In Game Zones 1 and 2 it is unlawful to pursue deer with dogs (50-11-310).

It is unlawful to hunt, shoot or in any way kill deer from a motorboat, raft or any other water conveyance, or to molest a deer while any part of the deer is in water (50-11-730). 

Possessing any deer with the head detached while in transit from the point of kill is prohibited (50-11-400).

It is unlawful to hunt deer with a firearm within three hundred yards of a residence when less than ten feet above the ground without permission of the owner and occupant. The provisions of this section do not apply to a landowner hunting on his own land or a person taking deer pursuant to a department permit. 

Archery, muzzleloaders, crossbows, and pneumatic weapons are allowed during gun hunts.”

Deer Seasons on Private Lands:

  • All harvested deer must be tagged at the point of kill prior to being transported. Tag must remain attached until the deer/carcass is quartered or received by a processor. 
  • Antlered deer statewide limit:
    • Residents – 2 per day, 5 total all seasons and methods combined. 
    • Nonresidents – 2 per day, 4 total all seasons and methods combined.
  • Antlerless deer – limit 2 per day. Must be tagged with Individual Antlerless Deer Tag. Only three (3) Individual Antlerless Deer Tags may be used in Game Zone 1. Tags are valid in Game Zones 2, 3, and 4 beginning Sept. 15 and in Game Zone 1 beginning Oct. 1. Individual tags are not valid on properties enrolled for antlerless deer in the Deer Quota Program. Individual tags do not alter the daily (2 per day) or seasonal limit or change the type of weapon that can be used during special weapons seasons. 
  • Limits listed include deer taken on private & WMA lands.
  • Limits listed do not apply to quota deer taken on properties enrolled in the Deer Quota Program.
  • Sunday hunting allowed on private lands.
  • Archery and crossbows allowed during all seasons.
  • Crossbows are considered archery equipment.
  • In Game Zones 1 and 2 it is unlawful to pursue deer with dogs.
  • Baiting or hunting deer over bait is permitted on private lands statewide.

As always, make sure to have the correct license and tags before going into the field. Finally, these dates apply to hunting on private land. In some cases, dates for hunting on public game land vary. Detailed rules, regulations, and game zone maps can be found here.

It’s important for the hunter to understand the rules and regulations that South Carolina requires. If you are in need of an attorney, contact our office at (864) 660-0465 or visit our website at for more information.  

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