Stay Safe this Memorial Day Weekend

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According to AAA’s national forecast, nearly 40 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more from home this Memorial Day weekend, up one million travelers over 2016. The majority of these holiday travelers—about 88 percent—will drive to their destinations.

Memorial Day is a day to remember and honor those who died in active military service. Unfortunately, Memorial Day weekend is also one of the most dangerous holidays of the year for road and highway accidents. Please take the appropriate precautions to protect yourself and your family on the roadways—don’t drink and drive, don’t text and drive, give yourself enough time to reach your final destination, be patient, and don’t be unnecessarily aggressive to others.

However, if the unthinkable happens and you or a member of your family are injured in an automobile collision, contact us and let us evaluate your case. Learn more about us, or call (864) 660-0465 for more information.

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