So this is Christmas – and what have you done?

Christmas ornaments.

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Well, if you are like me, you may have reduced your news intake to just skimming the headlines.  Or, perhaps you’ve taken to avoiding the news—fake or real—altogether. Between the violence and the politics (or are they one and the same?), it can often be downright difficult to have an optimistic outlook.

So, as the final days of 2019 race by and we look toward a new year and a new decade, I resolve to be hopeful, look for the good in people and find opportunities where I can make a difference, big or small.  Whether it’s helping a client surmount a difficult problem, volunteering my time with a local non-profit or making donations to Upstate charities, finding opportunities to help others makes a positive difference. 

The great news is that during the holidays, opportunities abound for us to help our neighbors.  We may begin a season of giving that endures throughout the year.   I enjoyed working with Habitat for Humanity of Spartanburg this past year, and KD Trial Lawyers. is sponsoring the Spartanburg Regional Hospice Palliative Care Special Needs Fund.  Any gift of time or talent is a benefit to these and other organizations both during the holidays and throughout the year.

I hope you will join us during this Christmas season and throughout the New Year.  Let’s be a positive force for our community.

Attorney Allison Dunham
Attorney Allison Dunham

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Blog post by attorney Allison Dunham. Click here to hear more about Allison.

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