Make a Payment

Make a Payment

If you wish to make a payment online, please contact our office at 864-585-5100 to obtain a link to make payment.

Please note that payment of a retainer fee without the execution of a signed retainer agreement with one of our attorneys does not establish an attorney-client relationship or constitute representation by our firm. Representation is only confirmed upon the execution of a signed retainer agreement.

“KD Trial Lawyers accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express. In order to submit your payment, please click the link below to access our third party payment system with LawPay. Please make sure you include your name or client file number. Please note that payment of a retainer fee without the execution of a signed retainer agreement with one of our attorneys does not establish an attorney-client relationship or constitute representation by our firm. Representation is only confirmed upon the execution of a signed retainer agreement.”