Inclement Weather & I-85 Chutes

The image captures a view along a highway or bridge on a bright, sunny day

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The I-85 chutes are in the process of closing at the end of 2021 and early 2022.  These chutes present a danger.  Litigation has commenced with regard to these chutes and expert affidavits have been filed in those cases.  One of the experts has opined that the 60 MPH speed limit in the chutes is too high of a speed limit.  That expert has also further opined that there is not a strong enough incentive nor enforcement to keep truck traffic out of the chutes.  This expert has opined that both of the shortcomings are deviations from good safety engineering standards and contributory towards a crash that occurred earlier this year in the chutes.

It appears, based on reports, that the speed limit leading up to the chutes is 45 MPH and slows to 35 MPH once inside the chute.  Based on the deadly crashes that have occurred on I85 in these chutes, it is clear these chutes can present a danger to motorists on the highway especially in the holiday season.  All of us at Harrison|White urge motorists to proceed with caution through this construction zone this new year.  Below, we have included links to the articles with regard to lane closures.

If any of the lawyers at Harrison|White can be of assistance to you with I-85 traffic collisions or chute collisions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.  If another driver was responsible for the crash and you sustained injuries, you should consult with a knowledgeable car wreck lawyer about your rights as an injured party.  Contact me, Tom Killoren for a consultation. 


Tom Killoren is a partner of  KD Trial Lawyers. Click here to read more about Tom.

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