Deer season is right around the corner in South Carolina

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As we approach the end of summer and look toward fall, many hunters in South Carolina are excited about the upcoming deer season. While hunting in some game zones is already well underway, the Upstate deer season kicks off soon. Saturday, September 12, is a day dedicated to youth hunting. This youth day is for hunters ages 17 and under.

Archery season is next up and begins in Game Zone 2 on September 15th. Primitive weapon season begins on October 1st and gun hunts can begin on October 11th. Game Zone two encompasses Spartanburg, Greenville, Cherokee, Union, and most of the Upstate of South Carolina. Rules and regulations vary depending on which game zone you intend to hunt so it is important to check your zone to ensure compliance with the rules in that zone. As always, make sure to have the correct license and tags before going into the field. Finally, these dates apply to hunting on private land. In some cases, dates for hunting on public game land vary. Detailed rules, regulations, and game zone maps can be found here. As always, have fun and stay safe!

Michael Gault, Attorney

Blog post by attorney Michael Gault. Click here to learn more about Michael.

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