Criminal Records for College Students

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At any stage in life, a criminal conviction can carry serious implications. For students, especially those in college, the implications can be magnified. One primary concern is continued enrollment at your college or university. Most schools have good behavior provisions tied to acceptance at that particular institution and violation of these provisions with a criminal conviction could potentially lead to expulsion. Additionally, if a student has scholarships, they risk losing some or all scholarship assistance with certain criminal convictions. Finally, for those entering the job market or desiring to continue their education, employment and admission place great weight on an applicant’s background. With competition at an all-time high, a criminal conviction will often hurt your chances of employment or acceptance when compared to another candidate with no criminal history.

If you are charged with a crime as a student, there are often programs available that may allow you to complete certain requirements in exchange for having the charge dismissed. In South Carolina, Pre-Trial Intervention is one such program that is offered in many jurisdictions. It is important to seek legal advice early in the process to ensure that you are aware of your options and advised of the potential implications of a criminal conviction.

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Attorney Michael Gault

Blog post by attorney Michael Gault. Click here to read more about Michael.

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