Attorney Ben Harrison Awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Injured Workers Advocates (IWA).

Ben C. Harrison

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KD Trial Lawyers is pleased to announce Attorney Ben C. Harrison has received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Injured Workers Advocates (IWA). The Injured Workers’ Advocates is a nonprofit association of attorneys who are dedicated to protecting and advancing the rights and legal remedies for South Carolina workers who are victims of occupational injury or disease. Injured Workers’ Advocates works to achieve these goals by advocating for the rights of the injured worker through education, litigation, and communicating with others concerning goals and issues important to the protection of workers’ rights in the state of South Carolina. Ben is this year’s recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award and received the award at the organizaiton’s annual meeting in Asheville.

Ben remains of counsel at KD Trial Lawyers in Spartanburg. Wes Kissinger, Managing Partner of KD Trial Lawyers says “ Over the decades I have been privileged to work with Ben, he has shown me by word and deed how a lawyer is supposed to represent his client. He has made a positive difference in the lives of so many. No one is more deserving of this award.”

Ben has represented injured people for over five decades. He has served on the Board of Governors of the South Carolina Workers Compensation Claimant’s Attorneys Association, and received the University of South Carolina’s Law School Compleat Lawyer Award. Ben has been named for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America, a highly regarded peer review publication, for nine consecutive years.

The IWA Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes Ben Harrison’s professional accomplishments, his dedication to protecting the rights of working men and women all over South Carolina, and his record of excellence.

KD Trial Lawyers is proud to congratulate Attorney Ben C. Harrison on receiving this award.

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